Iary Essential Oils
Botanical: Psiadia Altissima
The plant: shrub with bright yellow flowers. Grow in the central and eastern, northwest of Madagascar.
These are the leaves and stems which is distilled.
Properties:Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, healing action, stimulant, anti-parasitic
Scents: Iary has a vibrant woody, resinous scent with hints of pine and eucalyptus. Psiadia altissima, commonly known as Iary or Iary-Boa, is a plant species native to Madagascar.
This is a pure therapeutoic quality wild-crafted aromatherpay essential oils from Madagascar, and is distilled from the whole plant.
- Eczema
- Skin care (itching)
- Psoriasis condition
- Calm toothache (external)
- Protect from lice
- Respiratory ailment
- Muscles aches
- Joint pain
Insect repellent. soothe and heal insects bites. Can be applied on animals.
Stimulant, Iary helps to restore vitality and the general stimulation of the body.
Recommended for atmospheric diffusion due to its respiratory action, its unique fragrance and its antiseptic effects.
Traditional uses:Insect repellent (fleas, mosquitos), parasitic skin disease (scabies)
Constituents:Terpinene, alpha pinene, limonene, beta ocimene, myrcene, beta carophyllène, sabinene ...
The usefulness of the plant then lies in its high content monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes
Keep out of reach of children.
Always dilute essential oils in a vegetable oil for skin application.
Not for use by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under 5 years old and by elders with a weak health.
Do not put in eyes and mucous membranes.
Iary Essential Oils
100% pure essential oils in a sealed amber glass euro dropper bottle. Can be 0.33 fl oz; 1 oz; 8 fl oz; 16 fl oz
We also provide wholesale price. MOQ 32 fl oz.
So if you are interested in wholesale or re-selling opportunities, we invite you to contact us for more details. nudayaroma@gmail.com
We do not accept Return nor Refund if the product is opened or tamed.
Please verify your order before purchase.